Thursday, December 3

A Friend

So today we went to a new nursing home. It's about 3 stories tall and we saw only a few of the many residents there. We were, however, able to pass out a muffin to each person there thanks to a couple of sisters here in our community who were willing to make and wrap about 150. =)

So anyway, on the way home we each shared something we learned. One of my teammates has just arrived back from Beijing. She was sharing that she is not a believer, but recently has been introduced to a reason to believe in Dad's existence. She had just bought some new earrings in Beijing, and not ten minutes later, a piece fell off of one and she couldn't find it anywhere. She was all prepared to give up when she said "*Father help me." It was barely out of her mouth when she stepped on the piece that had fallen off. =) So now she's "waffling" back and forth. Please pr for this sweet girl and all of those family members surrounding her. She has such an amazing heart.

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