My second week here, a shop owner asked me if I could sing. I said that I like to but rarely do. She then asked if I could dance. I said, "not really." She asked if I could move side to side and turn around. Yes? Then I could dance. And I should not make little of the gifts and abilities God has given me.
What is a good steward? I have seen the people here iron their tshirts, sweep their dirt paths, polish their shoes every night, take their shoes off before entering a house with a dirt floor, wash their vehicles regularly before driving on dirt or mud, mop multiple times a day, etc. The list could go on and on. For some it is excessive. For me, it is convicting. What people live their lives like is a testimony to the people they represent. For us that includes the God that breathed us into being. How can I not try everyday to go above and beyond what is required of me in order to show others that I am trustworthy? Not just with things I own but also with relationships. If they can trust me completely with those, shouldn't they be able to trust my words about a God who loves, cares, and provides for me?
We are almost halfway through our internship and I already can't imagine ever not being here. These kids and these people are quickly becoming family. I'm falling in love with Uganda.

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