Monday, October 12

New Faces, New Heart

I started back to class today. I dropped down to the class below the one I was taking, and it's taken so much stress off of me. :) Buh-bye headaches. It's pretty much the same things.. even the same books.. just a lot slower-paced. So I'm hoping I'll catch more as well. I was invited to sit beside a girl named Ann (short for Anna). I find that interesting on two accounts: first, the fact that Ann is my middle name and second, that she is the second girl I've become friends with recently here that is named Anna. Hmm.. maybe I'm supposed to name a future child Anna. :)

So on a more serious and a little less day-dreamy note, part of my team just left for a trip to Cambodia and a rather large clinic there. It's a really exciting experience for them. They were all so excited to go. It's fun to see the Father putting that same desire to "Go." into their hearts that led me to this country. Also, this weekend, I'm sharing with a group of teenage foreign girls. I have an idea of what I want to say, but allowing Him to lead my tongue will be more beneficial than preparing a lifetime.

Temperatures are dropping and coats and layers are being put into use. I can't wait for the first snow!!

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