Hey guys. Sorry it has been SOO long since I updated. Abigail, my sister Melinda's foster girl just had surgery on August 17. She had to have surgery to remove a buildup of muscle from the lining of her intestines, because it was causing a blockage. I know that seems like a while back, so let me give you a time frame. We (Melinda, Abigail, Ethan-her other foster child, and I) checked into the hospital on August 11. However, the day before we actually spent the day at the hospital as well. Abigail could not eat or drink anything from the 11th until the 24th. She had a successful surgery, and now can actually eat chunks of food like a normal 3 year old. I stayed in and out at the hospital with them, and everyone finally came home on the 27th. YAY!! This week things have been really crazy. I started Chinese classes Wednesday. They are really fun, and difficult at times, but 2 of my 3 teachers speak English and the third uses a lot of body language. I kinda feel like I'm in a game of charades sometimes. :) They're going really well. I also went to the foster home and countryside with LIGHT. I'll get to go to the orphanage again tomorrow. The kids there are just getting over a round of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Then, Friday night, a couple of our friends from Beijing came in and stayed the weekend with us. It was awesome.. but now I'm worn out. :)
In the past month we've gone to Starbucks for my roommate Heather's birthday, I've gotten lost and trapped in WalMart, and I've walked more looking for busses than I ever have in my life. It has been amazing. As far as Walmart goes, you leave a different way than you come in, and I couldn't find it. That was a bit scary, but makes for a really fun story now! Starbucks was fantastic as always. I'm also getting used to the walking finally. It's been a really great experience. I love being here, although the hospital gave me enough culture shock to want to go home a couple of times. The Father has gotten me to today, and I know He holds the future in His hands, thankfully. Here are a couple of fun pictures from the best parts...

Abigail on surgery day...
At the nursing home on Wednesday

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