Saturday, March 26

maybe a bit gross?

I absolutely love how God reveals things to you according to and dealing with whatever is taking place in your life at the moment! Tonight I was on the way back to Auburn and was listening to the song East to West by Casting Crowns. Have you ever had one of those moments when you really DO feel like if you make one more mistake God will have no choice but to turn His back on you disgusted?? Well, just a warning.. you may very well find yourself disgusted by this coming part.

My role right now is full-time childcare worker with 18-24 month old babies. They are incredible, and I absolutely adore them all, but something that comes with the territory is changing diapers. It just is. Even dirty smelly gosh-awful ones. But you never say to the child "oh you've made this mess and need my help cleaning it up, but it's just too gross. I'm just going to leave you in it." Well, guess what? God doesn't say that to us either.

He is undoubtedly grossed out and sickened by our sin ( I mean.. some of these diapers definitely make me want to puke... and when you clean them up and they have another one in the next 5 minutes?? Come on kid, give me a break.), but never doubt His faithfulness. He is not going to give up on you. God is not going to leave you on the changing table with no way to get down and no way to get clean. Just ask for His help and continue to TRUST.

I'm not saying that as an excuse for sin. Babies still want to potty train so that they can stay clean longer and longer, just as we should strive for. Just don't worry about your Dad giving up on you. Cuz He won't. Ever.